
According to a recent American study, sexism and racism are so widespread in architecture that there is a distaste for these topics within the branch itself. What are the reasons for this exclusionary working culture? Even in Germany, most architecture graduates since the turn of the millennium have been female—but a large number of conventions and assumptions within the discipline make it difficult for women to remain in the profession. As a result, a great deal of highly trained talent is lost. Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses uses an intersectional feminist perspective to examine the structural causes that push women—and anyone else who isn’t a white cis man—out of the field. How can architectural teaching and discourse, as well as the industry’s self-image, become more diverse? Where are the experiences of a pluralistic society missing from the built environment? How can we bring about cultural change in planning and architecture?

Featuring an interview with the Dutch architect Afaina de Jong

Book design: PAPINESKA Monika Grobel-Jaroschewski
English translation: Joann Skrypzak-Davidsmeyer, Rebecca van Dyck


Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses: a title that quickly became a bestseller in the  [German-speaking] architecture scene last year.
In baunetzCampus on LinkedIn May 16, 2023 (original in German)

Karin Hartmann’s Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses . . . is a page-turner of horror, fed by stories so surreal that they could only derive from reality, and you wish it wasn’t all true. The reading is entertaining and—to put it cynically—amusing, but it resonates all the longer. That’s a good thing.
Ramona Kraxner, in Baumeister Aug 22, 2023 (original in German)

The book unravels a rich overview of dynamics in the sector, supported by many references to literature and research from Germany but also from other European countries and the United States. . . . Hartmann’s book is a welcome overview of the issues surrounding gender and diversity that play a role in the architectural practice. . . . A particular strength of the book is that Hartmann doesn’t shy away from making sharp statements and explicitly points out the structural discrimination in the sector. . . . A broader awareness and knowledge in the industry are indispensable, and Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses can make an important contribution to that.
Evelien Pieters, in Mar 20, 2023 (original in Dutch)


Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses is a fresh and touching essay that opens eyes to equality and justice. Karin Hartmann makes visible the new and old claims and proposals that are needed for better architectures and cities for all. Because changing ways of doing is a necessity, feminism is the clue.
—Zaida Muxí Martínez, Professor at ETSAB-UPC Barcelona

Karin Hartmann’s book Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses is a comprehensive, thorough education of the reader—male or female—about the relentless limitations women experience in the field of architecture even today: be it in their private, family, artistic, or professional life. I recommend this book to every architecture student, or aspiring architect; especially to decision makers ranging from the client or academic administrator to the employer.
—Dagmar Richter, Professor at Pratt Institute Brooklyn


Sep 25, 2024 St. Gallen
Talk with Wiebke Ahues and Anna Jessen, Ostschweizerische Hochschule

Nov 08, 2024 Düsseldorf
Input and workshop at Nachwuchsarchitekt:innentag 2024, Peter Behrens School of Arts

Feb 19./20, 2025 Essen
Input at Construction Love, Zeche Zollverein

in the past

Jul 03, 2024 Cologne
Input to Claiming*Spaces Guest Professorship WHOSE TIME(S)? Gekommen, um zu bleiben as part of Gender Lectures in Architecture, University of Applied Sciences Cologne

Jun 28, 2024 Munich
Lecture at Festival der Zukunft, Deutsches Museum

Jun 19, 2024 Wuppertal
Key note at vernissage Frauen, die Bauen, University of Wuppertal

Apr 17, 2024 Aachen
Guest as part of lecture series ArchitektINNENwelten, University of Applied Sciences Aachen

Mar 17, 2024 Berlin
Book release Unlearn Patriarchy #2, Kino International

Mar 06, 2024 online
Letters to a Young Female Architect, architektur kollektiv and PAF Community

Jan 26, 2024 Berlin
Panel guest at book release of “Die Architektin” of Till Raether, urania berlin 

Jan 19, 2024 Vienna
Book release and talk with Claiming*Spaces Collective as part of the presentation of the Artistic Project WHOSE TIME(S)? Come to stay, Claiming*Spaces Visiting Professorship Karin Hartmann, IG Architektur

Dec 01, 2023 Heidelberg
Lecture at symposium  MATRI:ARCHITEKTUR of Chamber of Architects Baden-Württemberg

Nov 14, 2023 Kassel
Book release and talk less:patriarchy with student collective less:on and Architects for Future Kassel, University of Kassel

Oct 10, 2023 Frankfurt am Main
Panel discussion Schwarzer Rolli Update: Wie steht es aktuell um die Gender Equality in der Architektur?, Deutsches Architekturmuseum

Sep 27, 2023 Kiel
Book release and panel, Forum Baukultur Kiel

Sep 26, 2023 Stade
Book talk Stadt für viele = Stadt der Vielfalt?, Buchhandlung Schaumburg

Jun 22, 2023 Kaiserslautern
Key note Symposium Come as you are, Technical University (TU) Kaiserslautern

Jun 08, 2023 Berlin
Lecture Bauwende = Berufswende?, 5 Years Anniversary Celebration Natural Building Laboratory (NBL), Technical University (TU) Berlin

Jun 06, 2023 Berlin
Lightning talk Vielfalt statt Othering: Die Stadt der Anderen*, re:publica Berlin

May 31, 2023 Koblenz
Book release as part of lecture series PROFILE, University of Applied Sciences Koblenz

May 25, 2023, Hannover
Panel Seximus und toxisches Arbeitsklima: Erfolgskiller Nr. 1 in der Bau- und Immobilienwirtschaft, REAL ESTATE ARENA Messe Hannover

May 24, 2023 Frankfurt
Panel “Innenstadt der Zukunft – Wie diskriminierend oder diskriminierungsfrei ist unsere Stadtplanung?”, Opera of Frankfurt (not public)

May 23, 2023 Antwerp, Belgium
Book release and talk as guest of PAF Community, Stadsform 

May 17, 2023 Darmstadt
Book release as part of lecture series POSITIONEN, Technical University of Darmstadt

May 02, 2023 Potsdam
Book release with Studierendenkollektiv Perspektiv;wechsel, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Apr 30, 2023 Dortmund
Moderation Book release of “Gentrification is inevitable and Other Lies” with Leslie Kern, Baukunstarchiv North-Rhine Westphalia

Apr 28, 2023 Karlsruhe
Book release and finissage M*1:1 *verborgene Ansichten und weibliche Perspektiven in der Architektur, Architekturschaufenster Karlsruhe

Mar 08, 2023 Hamburg
Book release and panel with Doris Kleilein, Association of German Architects (BDA) 

Mar 07, 2023 Düsseldorf
Book release and talk, RKW Architektur+ (not public)

Mar 01, 2023 Bonn
Panel Care-sensible Stadtplanung, Equal Care Day Conference 2023

Jan 30, 2023 online
Online book release and talk, Vorleser_innen Der moderne Buchclub

Jan 10, 2023 Cologne
Book release and panel, University of Applied Sciences Cologne

Dec 06, 2022 Bremen
Laudatio as part of the award ceremony Verleihung der Bremer Auszeichnung für Baukultur to 
Feministische Organisation von Architektinnen und Planerinnen (FOPA) Bremen

Nov 15, 2022 Bremen
Book release and talk as part of the exposition 
Architektur für Alle?! Emanzipatorische Bewegungen in Planung und Raum
Wilhelm Wagenfeld Haus

Oct 27, 2022 Berlin
Book release and panel, Fachgebiet DE/CO, Institute for Architecture, Technical University (TU) Berlin


Would you like to give a signed book as a gift? Then feel free to write to me via the contact form.
For press inquiries, lectures or book presentations, you can reach me at