Karin Hartmann is an architect and an author as well as an associate member of the Bund Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten (BDA). She researches, writes, and speaks on building culture and intersectional feminism. Since 2013 she has initiated artistic and architectural interventions in the urban fabric of Paderborn and written for both industry publications and her own blog. From 2016 to 2021 she was a policy officer at the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR). Karin Hartmann is first chairwoman of the North Rhine-Westphalia career network for women architects architektinnen initiative nw. In 2023/2024 she a was guest professor of the Claiming*Spaces Collective at the Technical University (TU) Vienna.


Gender equality and diversity in architecture, planning, and building are the topics on which I regularly give lectures. I also speak about feminist urban planning and the vision of a built environment planned by diverse teams and thus shaped by the realities of many. If you are you looking for a speaker for a key note, an impulse or a panel discussion please contact me at


podcasts, interviews

Stylepark Interview | Change Instead of Master Cult | David Kasparek in conversation with Karin Hartmann | Jan 25, 2023

In her book Schwarzer Rolli, Hornbrille (Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses) Karin Hartmann highlights various aspects of the architecture profession and examines when, where, and why women are at a disadvantage owing to systemic discrimination. In conversation with David Kasparek, the author reveals why these questions must be asked and what gets lost because of this lack of perspectives.

to conversation

architektur.aktuell Interview | Nina Lorein in conversation with Karin Hartmann | Nov 2022

“The environment viewed and built through a ‘male gaze’ leaves out the needs of many—women, children, black people, people of colour, queer people. On the other hand, the sovereignty of interpretating what is ‘good’, but also ‘right’ architecture lies in the hands of a few.”

to Nov 2022 architektur.aktuell (English translation included)


I have been freelancing since 2022 and have dedicated my career to the subject of equal opportunities in architecture and planning from an intersectional feminist perspective, which for me, is a key topic in overcoming the challenges of the climate crisis. I am very happy about any support for my work.

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